Love Is Forever

Matt Brown Week 5

In this sermon, Matt dives into the boundless, incomprehensible love of God. He explores how God's love, which has already given everything to us, surpasses our understanding.


When you are ready, ask God to reveal to yourself the degree to which you feel worthy of love. What comes up for you as you consider this question? Bring that question before God, asking Him to speak into this. Are there any images or memories that come to mind as you consider God’s love for you? Next, consider any periods in your life where you may have wandered from His love. When did you find God pulling you out of a ditch, even one that you may have wandered into time and time again? Thank Him for his persistent love for you, regardless of circumstances or your level of faithfulness to Him.

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Explore the Love Is Series

What is love? There are a lot of conversations in our culture today about what it believes love is. A lot of these conversations are centered around ideas like tolerance or acceptance. There is a cultural need to understand what love really is and how it is meant to impact our lives. Through this series—Love Is—our church will be shaped by a developed picture of what love is through scripture (1 Corinthians 13) and, through God’s definition, respond to these cultural conversations around what love is.