How to Love Like a Grown-Up

Melody Workman May 25, 2024 Week 6

In our final sermon of this series about love, Melody Workman explains that real love requires sacrifice, how to love like a grown-up, and how you can not grow in faith without growing in love.


Think about how Jesus loved you when He died a horrible death for you, even when you did not deserve it. What are your thoughts and feelings regarding this demonstration of His mature love? What impresses you about Jesus’ standard of love? Ask God to help you recall how you have not loved others with mature attitudes, thoughts, or actions. Picture how your relationships would improve by loving them with His sacrificial love. Pray that He will reveal what you can do or give up to experience more of His mature love for others.

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Explore the Love Is Series

What is love? There are a lot of conversations in our culture today about what it believes love is. A lot of these conversations are centered around ideas like tolerance or acceptance. There is a cultural need to understand what love really is and how it is meant to impact our lives. Through this series—Love Is—our church will be shaped by a developed picture of what love is through scripture (1 Corinthians 13) and, through God’s definition, respond to these cultural conversations around what love is.