Difficult Conversations

Matt Brown Week 3

Pastor Matt Brown reminds us that all relationships face barriers - be it race, gender, religion, or past wounds. However, these obstacles can be overcome when we create a space of grace, allowing for honesty and vulnerability. The key is to identify the deeper issues beneath surface conflicts, often rooted in fear or shame.


Ask God to help you to identify a person you love that you need to have a difficult conversation with. What are your feelings regarding having this conversation? Pray that God will instruct and counsel you as to how to prepare for any excuses you may have to delay it. How can you partner with God to overcome relational barriers, create a safe space, adjust for age differences, and consider the woundings that either of you have had that may hinder having an honest communication? Talk to God about how to be gracious, speak the truth in a loving way, and to have a response for potential negative pushback. Think about any deeper issues that could be behind the conflict.

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Explore the Home Series

We are seeing broken homes and broken families more than ever before in our world today. As Christians, we are called to be different from the world and to be transformed in the way we live and treat people. This affects our personal homes, families, and living environments, as well as the living space of our spiritual families, our church. Through this series, ‘Home,’ our goal is to find our home in God, with his people—the church. To dive into how we do that, apply that to our personal physical homes, and ultimately create a Godly, healthy, safe, and peaceful vision for your home. One that reflects our true home, heaven.