When Jesus Moved In

Melody Workman Week 4

Grace is unnatural and truth is hard, but Melody Workman invites us to live out the example that Jesus gives us, and apply these principles into every aspect of our lives.


Think about the sermon and how our home needs to be a place of grace and truth. What feelings and thoughts surface as you think about this? How has Jesus demonstrated His grace and truth to you this week? What are your feelings when you think about Jesus saving you by grace only and that you did nothing to earn it? Ask God to reveal in what ways your home does or does not demonstrate His grace and truth. Pray He will show you where you need to speak the truth in a loving and gentle way to members of your family. Picture what your home would be like if it reflected more of the grace and truth of Jesus.

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Explore the Home Series

We are seeing broken homes and broken families more than ever before in our world today. As Christians, we are called to be different from the world and to be transformed in the way we live and treat people. This affects our personal homes, families, and living environments, as well as the living space of our spiritual families, our church. Through this series, ‘Home,’ our goal is to find our home in God, with his people—the church. To dive into how we do that, apply that to our personal physical homes, and ultimately create a Godly, healthy, safe, and peaceful vision for your home. One that reflects our true home, heaven.