How to Build the Home You Want

Matt Brown Week 2

Pastor Matt Brown challenges us to examine what we allow into our homes, from relationships to media consumption and how these choices align with God's wisdom. The message encourages us to prepare for life's inevitable storms by rooting ourselves in biblical truth.


Picture the home you want several years from now. What does it look and feel like? Think about the sermon and what helps your home become what you want it to be as you look to the future. What teachings of Jesus are you trusting in—and practicing—today? Think about how these actions have helped save you (or your family) from being a slave to others’ opinions, the storms of life, and relational suffering. Thank Him for how He has helped you build the home you want. Ask God to reveal to you any teachings, practices, or beliefs that you have allowed in your life that are weakening your home from becoming what you and God want it to be. Pray for God to help you take action this week to remove these negative influences and better build the home you want.


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Explore the Home Series

We are seeing broken homes and broken families more than ever before in our world today. As Christians, we are called to be different from the world and to be transformed in the way we live and treat people. This affects our personal homes, families, and living environments, as well as the living space of our spiritual families, our church. Through this series, ‘Home,’ our goal is to find our home in God, with his people—the church. To dive into how we do that, apply that to our personal physical homes, and ultimately create a Godly, healthy, safe, and peaceful vision for your home. One that reflects our true home, heaven.