Discovering the Home God Has for Me
Matt Brown • • Week 1
Join us as Pastor Matt Brown kicks off a series called 'Home'. He draws from personal experiences and biblical teachings to illustrate how easily we can become attached to temporary things. We're encouraged to shift our focus from earthly anxieties to the eternal home Jesus is preparing for us.
Read and reflect on Revelation 21:1-8. What feelings and thoughts surface? Ask God to use this passage and your imagination to picture what a day in heaven will be like. What comforts and excites you the most about this day in heaven? Have a conversation with God about how you can become more focused on your future home. Pray He will show you some things you need to remove from your life to be better focused and prepared to live with Him forever. Close your time by asking God to show you one action you can take this week to better focus on, and experience the hope of heaven.
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