My Notes
Personal Reflection Guide
Find a place that is away from noise and distractions. Wait until your thoughts and feelings become reasonably still. Take a few deep breaths. When you are ready, invite God to guide your time of reflection. Ask God to help you to identify a person you love that you need to have a difficult conversation with. What are your feelings regarding having this conversation? Pray that God will instruct and counsel you as to how to prepare for any excuses you may have to delay it. How can you partner with God to overcome relational barriers, create a safe space, adjust for age differences, and consider the woundings that either of you have had that may hinder having an honest communication? Talk to God about how to be gracious, speak the truth in a loving way, and to have a response for potential negative pushback. Think about any deeper issues that could be behind the conflict. Next, ask God to reveal any of these areas where you aren’t a safe space for others to have difficult conversations with you. Where do you need to let go of defensiveness or negative pushback, and instead receive someone else’s correction? Talk with God about this. Close your time by asking God for the courage, wisdom and strength to act on what He has revealed to you about having difficult conversations. Pray that God will use this to bring reconciliation in your relationships. Thank Him for what He will do as you trust and obey Him in this situation.
Discussion Questions
Choose a couple of the following questions from each section that best fit your group. Or, have everyone read the questions, choosing which one(s) from each section that they feel led to respond to.
- START HERE: How did your family handle conflict growing up?
- START HERE: Who has modeled healthy conflict for you?
- KEEP GOING: What tends to keep you from entering into difficult conversations?
- KEEP GOING: Read John 4:9 (NLT). What relational barriers do you recognize in your life (eg. race, gender, religion, age, wounding)? How do you see that play out in your significant relationships?
- KEEP GOING: Read Ephesians 4:2 (NLT). How can you work to create a space of grace in your home?
- DEEP WATERS: “A problem rightly identified is half solved.” If you struggle with pride, lying, anger, criticism, shame, fear, lust, greed, or laziness, what do you think could be an underlying issue that these feelings, thoughts, or actions are coming from? (NOTE FOR GROUPS: Break into groups of 2-3 to discuss. Practice creating a space of grace—this is not a time to correct or give advice to each other; it’s a time to affirm your love for each other and invite God to bring healing into your lives.)
- LIVE IT OUT: Read Colossians 4:6 (NLT). “There is a way to say offensive things without being offensive.” How do you practice gracefully speaking the truth in love?
- LIVE IT OUT: Being people of forgiveness and grace is what changes the world! How can you practice making allowance for each other's' faults (including negative pushback) this week?
- LIVE IT OUT: Challenge: Pray for someone who has offended you. Ask God to help you love them the way He has loved you and to act toward them the way God acts toward us!