You Shall Not Steal
Matt Brown • • Week 10
"Thou shall not steal..." The 8th commandment in The 10 Commandments in the book of Exodus. It seems straightforward enough to follow - but what if there are levels to obeying or breaking this command that we easily miss? More than just material possessions, do you steal opportunity from others? Do you steal honor, joy, and recognition of others? If we're brave enough to face ourselves, we may see the command to not steal in a whole new light that helps us live the new life we've been called to.
Ask God to help you be real with yourself, and Him, this week. Consider a time where perhaps something was stolen from you. How did that experience affect you? Now, ask God to reveal any areas where you may have stolen from someone else. Whatever it was, confess that to God now, and ask Him to show you how you can make this right, owning up to the consequences, no matter what they are.
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