Why We Need Women To Lead
Alfredo Ramos • • Week 3
Gender roles are controversial in culture and in the church. The Bible paints a powerful picture of women leadership and how men can respect and follow that leadership. More than recognizing a woman's ability to lead, the Bible shows that God does big things when men honor the voices of women and recognize God's calling in their life. What would happen in this cultural moment if in the church men were sensitive to the call of God on women's lives? The church can be a completely unique space in culture if we catch this vision.
As you consider the role of women in leadership, what thoughts or feelings come to mind? Is there any obstacle or sense of jadedness that needs to be addressed? Ask God to help you overcome these. Spend some time thanking God for the strong women in your life and ask God to give you a sense of confidence in the ways you have gifted them, as well as the ways in which He has gifted you.
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