Why I need God’s rules for my life
Matt Brown • • Week 2
The word "rule" often creates a negative response within us. We associate it with our freedoms and enjoyment of life being restrained or inhibited. However, God's rules were designed to guide us into living a more full life and finding true freedom.
When you consider God’s rules for living, what feelings or emotions come to the surface for you? Ask God to reveal any areas where He might want you to step into more of His calling on your life. As you pray this, it might be natural to experience feelings of fear. Bring these fears to God, asking Him for the courage to take whatever next steps necessary to live out of this calling.
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Explore the Old Rules for a New Life Series
Over the next 10 weeks, Sandals Church embarks on a journey to reimagine the 10 commandments as the rules and rhythms for a new life that God invites us into as we follow His Son, Jesus Christ. These 10 rules were not the way into a new life but a sign that God’s people were delivered to live a new life. First came deliverance and freedom. Then followed the rules for living, not the other way around.