Only God Can Set You Free
Matt Brown • • Week 3
We learn that without God, we can could lose everything that really matters, and with God, we can unlock our full potential. God is the only one that can set us free, and with God, we can rewrite the end to our story. As we reimagine the 10 commandments as the rules and rhythms for a new life that God invites us into, how are you inviting God through your surrender, to surrender your sins and your fears to God so that He can do the work He desires to do in you?
As you reflect back on your life, what do you wish you could change about your past? Are there any patterns or behaviors that still have a pull on you? Are there any patterns of thought or behavior that you continue to return to, even though you know they aren’t God’s best for you? Ask God to remind you of their burden so that their buzz doesn’t take too much space in your heart and invite God to show you how to surrender them.
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