Why We All Still Need God
Matt Brown • • Week 1
You may not know His name, but he knows yours. God knows your name, sees your struggle, wants to protect you, and wants you to be the best version of yourself. As we journey to reimagine the 10 commandments as the rules and rhythms for a new life that God invites us into as we follow His Son, Jesus Christ, we explore why we still need God and his calling to a better way of life.
Think about your current or past struggles. Ask God to reveal his purpose behind your struggle and show you the better life he intends for you. As you reflect, is there any sin, by you or someone else, that needs forgiveness? Sit in God’s presence and release those to Him as you embrace his love and mercy for you.
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Explore the Old Rules for a New Life Series
Over the next 10 weeks, Sandals Church embarks on a journey to reimagine the 10 commandments as the rules and rhythms for a new life that God invites us into as we follow His Son, Jesus Christ. These 10 rules were not the way into a new life but a sign that God’s people were delivered to live a new life. First came deliverance and freedom. Then followed the rules for living, not the other way around.