When I Need Bread
Alfredo Ramos • • Week 2
One of the main themes of The Gospel of John - and one of the things Jesus is most famous for are his miracles and signs. The Gospel of John details miracles Jesus accomplished among people and outlines what they mean and point to. In the Gospel of John chapter 5, Jesus does a strange miracle of multiplying bread for a crowd. What unfolds from there is a deep and divisive teaching about how people miss the revelation of who Jesus is because they are focusing on the wrong thing - the miracle, not the miracle giver. Jesus' bread multiplication miracle has far more to do with our spiritual needs than our physical ones!
When you reflect on the idea that Jesus is the Bread of Life, what thoughts and feelings surface? How can these truths help you address any current challenges you face? Through your imagination, put yourself in the scene of Jesus feeding the 5,000. What impresses you about Him? Since God is Sovereign and with you always, ask God to help you recall an encounter you have had with Jesus lately and what you experienced.
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