Are You Leaving a Legacy or a Vacancy?

Melody Workman Week 7

If everyone served like you, where would the church be? Would it be thriving and filled with volunteers, or would it be struggling to make service happen? Our culture often leans into a "consumer" focused mindset where all we do is take... but what would happen if you started to give back to the church? To serve the people that you worship next to every weekend? Even if you've been attending for years and years, it's never too late to start. Will you leave a legacy, or a vacancy?

Ask God if there are any areas of apathy toward the church that you need to repent from. Then, ask Him to reveal to what degree you are a consumer or contributor. If God has impressed upon you any changes He wants you to make in your serving, attitude, or practice, make one of those changes this week. Close your time by thanking Him for allowing you to participate in His ministry to build His Church.

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Whether you are a new Christian or have been a Christian for a long time, we all need to be asking ourselves, ‘What are the next steps for me in my personal walk with Jesus?’ Maybe you’re new to faith and don’t know where to start. Maybe you want to go deeper in your faith but don’t know how. Over the next 10 weeks, Sandals Church will be teaching through a masterclass of the essentials of a Christian life; what it looks like to follow Jesus and continue his work of multiplication in our individual lives.