
Alfredo Ramos Week 4

What needs to be cut out of your life to make more room for Jesus? In John chapter 15, Jesus states "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit". This analogy of a vine and branches is used as a way to teach Jesus' disciples (and us) about the importance of abiding in Him. Through this act, we find ourselves "bearing fruit", or in other words, experiencing growth in our character and in our spiritual lives.

What does abiding in Jesus mean to you? What is it like to abide in Him? What does it feel like not to abide in Him? Ask God to help you discern what helps you to abide in Jesus in all situations throughout the day. Pray He will reveal any hindrances you struggle with that keep you from abiding in Him amidst the stresses, joys, and troubles of your life. Take action this week daily to practice what God revealed helps you to abide in Jesus.

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Explore the Encountering Jesus Series

Encountering Jesus is a 4 week sermon series that walks through 4 key encounters in The Gospel of John that give clarity about who Jesus says he is. Connect the dots for yourself as you learn the depth of what Jesus meant by the curious statements he made about himself and his relation to us.