When I Fail

Jeff Whye Week 5

Have you ever felt like your failures disqualify you for being used by God? You're not alone - and the good news is that real encounters with Jesus invite us into new identity and new hope. In the Gospel of John, the story of Jesus' disciple Peter is a story about a character who wrestles with failure and who is built up again by Jesus. This means for us that Jesus wants to speak to our identity and turn our failures into something new.

Do you feel close, disappointed, defensive, or some other feeling regarding your relationship with God? Ask God to help you identify a truth about Him, yourself, or others in which you have a difficult time trusting to be true. How is this distrust in what you already know to be true hurting you? What about Peter’s life encourages you about your own unbelief and failure?

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Encountering Jesus is a 4 week sermon series that walks through 4 key encounters in The Gospel of John that give clarity about who Jesus says he is. Connect the dots for yourself as you learn the depth of what Jesus meant by the curious statements he made about himself and his relation to us.