Why Prayer is Essential

Alfredo Ramos Week 4

Prayer can be a challenging practice in our daily Christian lives. How do we pray? How long should the prayer be? How do I say the right prayer? Does God really listen to my prayers? All of these questions can been swimming around in our mind as we try to figure out the best way to pray. However, in the gospels, Jesus shows us how to pray, and shared why it’s so important to our faith journey. Join us as we continue in our series, The Essentials, as Pastor Fredo Ramos teaches us how prayer is essential to our walk with God.

Begin a conversation with God about your practice of prayer. Ask God to reveal any obstacles that stand in your way of engaging with Him more deeply in prayer. When you consider praying prayers of surrender to God, what emotions come to the surface for you? Practice release and surrender by giving these emotions to God now. Lastly, ask God to grow your trust in His love for you and that your experiences in prayer would deepen that trust.

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Explore the The Essentials Series

Whether you are a new Christian or have been a Christian for a long time, we all need to be asking ourselves, ‘What are the next steps for me in my personal walk with Jesus?’ Maybe you’re new to faith and don’t know where to start. Maybe you want to go deeper in your faith but don’t know how. Over the next 10 weeks, Sandals Church will be teaching through a masterclass of the essentials of a Christian life; what it looks like to follow Jesus and continue his work of multiplication in our individual lives.