What Does a Disciple Do?

Matt Brown Week 4

Pastor Matthew Stephen Brown takes us through an inspiring message on what it means to follow Jesus. The message focuses on four important aspects of living a committed life: submitting to His guidance, truly honoring Him, supporting His work, and staying aware of the forces that could get in the way. He also highlights how important it is to stay tuned to Jesus' direction and be ready to respond when challenges come our way. This sermon invites us to reflect on how we can align our lives with the values of a true follower and make choices that support a deeper connection.


Picture what it looks like to submit to the authority of Jesus as His disciple. How have you submitted to the authority of Jesus and to what extent does your life demonstrate this commitment? Ask Jesus if He wants you to make any changes in the way you worship Him, or in your giving to His mission. Ask Him to bring to your mind anyone in your life that negatively affects your relationship to Him and being His disciple. What do you think He wants you to do about this relationship? Where do you see a movement of Jesus in your life, and are you tracking with Him? Is there a step He has led you to take? Have a conversation with Him about any action He wants you to take this week to change the way you worship, your giving, a relationship, or anything else that is hindering your growth as a disciple. Commit this action to God and ask for His help in trusting Him and in taking the action. Thank Him for what He is going to do (Psalm 37:5).

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Explore the The Gospel of Matthew Series

Discover the Life and Teachings of Jesus through an in-depth exploration of the Gospel of Matthew, a cornerstone of Christianity. We'll delve into Jesus' life, teachings, and enduring impact on the world, offering you the opportunity to learn more about Him and discover how His message can impact your own life. The Gospel of Matthew: Becoming the Disciple Jesus called me to be.