How God Uses Preaching to Change People’s Lives
Matt Brown • • Week 5
Pastor Matthew Stephen Brown explores how God often works through unexpected people to create change, using John the Baptist as an example. He also talks about the responsibility of those who lead others, highlighting the impact their words and actions can have. This message challenges us to see potential in places we might overlook.
Picture what repentance would look like for you, and embrace God’s grace for you. Take an action this week to turn to God and away from this sin, and invite Jesus to help you do this. What are your thoughts and feelings about the purpose and importance of biblical preaching? Pray for God to help you discern some ways that your life has been changed by Jesus through sermons. Thank God for what He has spoken to you, and thank Him for the people who have faithfully preached His Word. Ask God how you could better prepare to hear from Him each week, and commit to doing it with His help.
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