Understanding What Jesus Taught About Generosity

Matt Brown Week 5

Consider this: God doesn't care about your money. With infinite resources at His disposal, God has no need for anyone's finances. However, by giving faithfully to God and His church, you are making a statement of your priorities. In Luke 21:1-4, Jesus encounters a poor widow placing two very small copper coins in the temple as an offering. He's amazed by her generosity, because she gave faithfully with the little she had, rather than out of abundance. This teaches us that it's not about the amount, it's about the heart behind it. It's on us to be faithful, and God will handle the rest. Take some time to reflect on this idea as you check out Pastor Matt's message on generosity.

Think about your generosity to God and His work through Sandals. Recall some instances in which you experienced the truth that you are blessed more by giving than by receiving. What feelings and thoughts surface? Ask God to reveal any areas where you might be generous outwardly, but bankrupt in your heart inwardly. Ask Him to give you—in increasing measure—a heart of full generosity toward God and others.

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Explore the Generous Like Jesus Series

During the holiday season, it is easy to get caught up in the noisy and materialistic culture Christians are surrounded by that is focused on consumption and even greed. These moments of greed and selfishness keep us closed off to the beauty of giving to others and experiencing God in that. The Generous Like Jesus Series is about becoming generous in the way Jesus is toward the world. Be generous like Jesus—and together—we can invest in the future of sharing the gospel and help more people become real with themselves, God, and others.