Taking God’s Name in Vain
Alfredo Ramos • • Week 5
When you hear the word, "God" what do you think of? The chances are high that whatever comes to your mind is probably related to your experience with people, and a lot of times people fail at representing God. The 3rd commandment found in the book of Exodus, "Do not take the Lord's name in vain." - is not a command about language or things you shouldn't say. It's a command to represent God in the way you live your life. That's a much higher calling and standard than avoiding cussing. It has to do with how you live your life if you call yourself a follower of God.
When you consider that “out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks,” if you were to play back a recording of the public and private things you’ve said this week, what would you find? What would that reveal about your heart? Confess to God any areas that need addressing, and ask Him for the strength to become a better imitator of Christ in the way you live.
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