Oblivious to My Own Pride

Alfredo Ramos Week 3

One of Jesus' most evident qualities was His ability to be humble, yet the thing our world struggles most with is unchecked pride. Why is this? Unfortunately, the path to humility is challenging. When was the last time you examined your own blind spots? How frequently do you seek honest feedback from those close to you? Humility doesn't just come naturally, and if you don't constantly work at it, you may never find yourself attaining it. Take some time to listen to Pastor Fredo's message on becoming marked by humility, and how in some ways, we are all oblivious to our pride.

When someone gives you feedback, do you close up on the inside? How often do you consider the perspective of others? When was the last time you changed your mind on an important issue? How willing are you to admit that you are wrong? Ask God to provide tangible reminders this week of His grace to you as He gently points out areas where you might need to grow in humility.

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Explore the Oblivious Series

A teaching series on the practice and mindset of seeing and noticing people in our modern world. In our culture, we miss noticing others – noticing their needs, their stories, their personhood. In contrast to our culture, Jesus noticed people. He saw people’s situations and needs. He even saw the people who were disregarded and considered unimportant. Christianity therefore offers us a different way to engage with the world around us today: being aware and sensitive to others. Inspired by Philippians 2:3-4, the mentality prescribed for the Christian is to consider others as more important than ourselves.