How Will Jesus Return?
Matt Brown • • Week 1
Up until a few weeks ago, the end of the world as we know it sounded like the thing of cults, songs and apocalyptic movie plots; but with day-to-day life now turned on its head for so many of us, it begs the question - could the world really ever come to an end? Jesus’ answer to that question might surprise you. In this series, we'll be taking an honest look at what the Bible has to say about the things we’re experiencing and if we are closer to the end than we might have realized.
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Explore the Signs: Is Jesus Returning Soon? Series
Could the world really ever come to an end? Jesus’ answer to that question might surprise you. While he was here on earth, Jesus spoke clearly and plainly about the fact that he will return one day to set everything right. But he also warned that the path there won’t be easy. Thankfully, he listed out several signs of what to expect as the end draws near.