His Legacy Through Me

Claude Hickman Week 4

What does it mean to multiply your faith? The strategy of multiplication is exactly how Jesus spread the good news of the gospel over 2,000 years ago. Rather than using His divine power to make everyone believe, He instead allowed people to spread His message across the globe through the process of discipleship. 2 Timothy 2:2 says "And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others" (NIV). As a church we need more people to begin discipling others, because without that, we will never reach those that are far away.

Ask God to show you a glimpse of what it might look like to multiply His work in and through you. What do you feel God inviting you into this week? What steps do you need to take to pursue obedience? Close your time by asking God to remind you of His plan for your life, and ask for the courage to take the necessary steps to take action on this.

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Explore the Multiply Series

It's human nature to experience change, but what do you do when you stop growing? True transformation and growth will occur when we align ourselves with the mission given to us by Jesus. By recognizing our need for personal growth, embracing the call to multiply through relationships and discipleship, and surrendering to God's transformative work, we can fully embrace our mission and experience everything God has in store for us.