Catching God’s Vision for My Life
Matt Brown • • Week 1
Pastor Matthew Stephen Brown confronts the way we look at American politics, and reminds us about God’s ultimate presence in our daily lives and how He orchestrates His plan for your future.
Think about the story of Jonah so far. You could read Jonah 1:1-16 (NLT). What stood out to you from his experience? In what ways does his experience remind you of your life? Ask God to help you discover His vision for your life and what He wants to do in you and through you. What do you sense are some specifics of this vision? Have a conversation with Him about trusting and obeying the direction He is leading you. Finally, think about any current or past storms in your life. Pray God will reveal in what ways He has used a storm to reveal who you really are and to redirect you from running away from His plan for you. Ask Him to show you an action you can take this week to follow His vision for you.
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