A Real Conversation on Singleness
Matt Brown • • Week 4
Singleness can be both a blessing and a challenge. Pastor Matt and some of the single individuals who lead and serve Sandals Church will have a real conversation about what it looks like to follow Jesus as a single person. We will cover topics including what the Bible has to say about singleness, what a healthy approach to dating looks like, whether or not some people are called to be single and what life looks like after divorce or as a single parent. No matter your age, marital status or stage of life; this video is a great opportunity to learn more about God's heart and how to love others well.
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Explore the The Good Life Series
Everyone wants to live “the good life,” but what makes life good? Is it fate, luck or something more? What if that "something more" is the trick to having a better marriage, enjoying singleness, getting healthier or being a better parent? If you know someone longing for the good life, Pastor Matt Brown wants to reveal the longlasting recipe to get there.