What to Know to Be New

Melody Workman

Melody Workman walks us through what it takes to experience a new version of ourselves. Giving us examples of how our stubbornness and pride can hinder us from being closer to God.


How well do you know yourself? What words come to mind to describe you, and what feelings do those words surface in you? Where in your life are you struggling to understand why you do what you do? Ask God to help you see the real you–the person He created you to be. Embrace humility for a moment to allow God in His deep love to reveal an area of your life that He wants to make new. What is one practice you could do more consistently to grow in your relationship with Jesus and become who God created you to be? Now think about your relationships with people (at home, work, school, church, etc.). How healthy are your relationships? What is something you need to start or stop doing to practice humility, empathy, or consistency this year? Close your time by thanking God for His compassion and grace toward you, and ask Him to help you become like Jesus in your relationships with people.

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