The Power of Our Teaching
Alfredo Ramos • • Week 2
It's easy as Christians to be in a constant state of learning. We can frequently be taking in sermons, worship experiences and bible study plans without ever putting into practice the faith we are learning about. How could our faith change if we started teaching others about it? Instead of casting judgement, what if we took the time to come alongside young believers and taught them what it means and looks like to be a follower of Jesus? We are joined again by Pastor Alfredo Ramos as he preaches on The Power of Our Teaching!
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Explore the The Power of Us Series
The Church isn’t the Church without the people in it. God has been using His Church—His people—to have an impact on the world for thousands of years. It can be easy for us to think about our own "good ‘ol days,” but God is still using His Church in all new ways each generation!