Taking Care of God’s House

Matt Brown

Pastor Matthew Stephen Brown challenges the community on the ways we take care of God’s house, the church. He invites us to evaluate the ways we contribute, the ways we serve, our generosity, and the ways we take care of our children.


Now, think about the local campus you attend–your spiritual home. What does it look like? How would you describe it physically to someone who’s never seen it before? Picture details in all the structures and objects that make up the campus. Think of the lights, the seats, the stage and production equipment. Think of the roof, the parking lot, the plants, and anything else you can think of that makes this place your spiritual home. As you think of these things, begin thanking God for these gifts He’s given you and your spiritual family. Ask God how He would like for you to help take care of this special place.

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Explore the Home Series

We are seeing broken homes and broken families more than ever before in our world today. As Christians, we are called to be different from the world and to be transformed in the way we live and treat people. This affects our personal homes, families, and living environments, as well as the living space of our spiritual families, our church. Through this series, ‘Home,’ our goal is to find our home in God, with his people—the church. To dive into how we do that, apply that to our personal physical homes, and ultimately create a Godly, healthy, safe, and peaceful vision for your home. One that reflects our true home, heaven.