Relational Baggage
Matt Brown • • Week 3
Have you ever had to carry someone else’s baggage while carrying your own? Maybe you offered or maybe you were volunteered to carry it. Either way, you feel like you have to be strong enough to carry what's being brought along. In relationships, baggage can get shuffled around and carried by the wrong owner, so let's unpack together and make our bags lighter. If you know someone carrying relational baggage, we want to invite you to watch this video. Join us for our series called "Baggage" where we continue to learn how to unpack and experience real freedom.
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Explore the Baggage Series
Have you ever sat in the airport and wondered about the strangers you were surrounded by? What stories could they tell? How much unnecessary weight are they allowing into their lives? The reality is we all carry things that we don't need and can't take to heaven, but how do we lighten our load? If you know someone feeling weighed down by the emotional luggage in their life, I want to invite you to watch with us. We're taking off into a brand new series called Baggage where we'll learn how to unpack and experience real freedom.