Only God Can Make a Man

Matt Brown Week 1

Join us as Pastor Matt kicks off a new series called HIM. Pastor Matt dives into the the obstacles men face today and what God has to say about how to overcome them.


What does a masculine man look like to you? Now, picture a masculine man from God’s viewpoint. What differences do you see? If you are a man, ask God to help you discern where you are in becoming a godly man. What has helped you grow into a more spiritually mature person? Give thanks to God for these influences. What has hindered your development as a godly man? What areas do you find yourself covering up, trying to hide from God and/or others? Ask God for His help to overcome these obstacles.

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Explore the HIM Series

Anybody can make a boy; only God can make a man. There is a dominant, broken, and dangerous message about what it means to be a man in our culture today. We need God to intervene and restore what it really means to be a man according to HIM, as well as address and heal generational brokenness and curses. God defines man as an image bearer, son of God, entrusted with a power and unique strength to care, empower, and defend for God’s glory and the good of others. We need Godly men for existing families, marriages, single women, our communities, our culture, our world, and our future. Learn to be like HIM.