How to Become Better at Prayer

Matt Brown Week 3

Prayer is something that we all have to learn, but God has given us the tools we need to grow in how we relate to Him! In this message, Pastor Matt reminds us that the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives is always drawing us closer to God — if we are willing to follow His lead.

Think about your prayer experience. Why do you pray? What do you think and feel about prayer being more a connection to God than a conversation with Him? As you reflect on the sermon, what do you sense God is impressing upon you to change regarding your prayer life? How does knowing that you are God’s dearly loved child encourage you to pray?

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Explore the 40 Days of Prayer Series

You cannot be a Christian without prayer. The Christian life is rooted in prayer. There are many reasons why Christians struggle to pray consistently, even though they know they should. The distracting noise of our world, not having the desire to pray, not knowing how to pray, or not feeling safe to say, ‘I don’t know how to pray (or pray consistently),’ are just some of the major barriers to prayer. In this series, ‘40 Days of Prayer,’ the barriers to and myths about prayer will be addressed, and our congregation will be educated and equipped to pray and implement consistent, healthy, and meaningful prayer rhythms and practices into their lives, as well as learn about different forms of prayer. These rhythms, practices, teachings, and truths around prayer will come from the life and example of the man who was the closest to God, Jesus.