Becoming the Disciple Jesus Has Called Me to Be
Matt Brown • •
In this message, Pastor Matthew Stephen Brown dives into the profound impact of embracing timeless principles that have stood the test of time. Through the lens of Scripture, the discussion focuses on how these teachings offer direction, correction, and clarity, helping individuals make sense of their lives. By understanding the purpose behind these principles, one can gain insight into how they continue to shape decisions and personal growth in modern life, offering a path for deeper reflection and understanding of life's complexities.
Think about how Scripture has shaped your life. Ask God to reveal His purposes in giving you His word and the ways He wants it to transform you. Consider your Bible reading habits. What’s going well? In what ways could you be more intentional? God’s word is eternal and powerful, able to direct and correct your life. As you think about that description, reflect on how you experience the power of God’s word. Is there anything in your life you’re not allowing God’s word to direct and correct? Ask the Holy Spirit to help you obey what you do understand and give you wisdom for what you don’t.
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