A Different Way of Life

Alfredo Ramos Week 4

Join us as Pastor Fredo jumps into Colossians 4 and walks us through what living a life ‘in Jesus’ looks like. He poses the question: Is how you are living your life today taking you toward who you want to become?


Reflect on the sermon about living a different way of life rooted in Jesus. Picture a Christian you know personally that you admire the most. Why do you admire them so much, and how do you feel around them? Ask God to help you to picture your life when you are older. How do you want people to feel around you, and in what ways can they be attracted to God as a result of your life? Have a conversation with God about whether or not your current way of life will enable you to become the person you want to be. What schedule and set of practices connect you to Jesus, and which ones don’t? Close your time by asking God to reveal a change He wants you to make this week in your practices or schedule that will help you to stay rooted in Jesus.

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There is an issue of identity in your culture today. Trying to find your worth, safety, and happiness in success, relationships, money, skills, or other earthly things. These are false identities rooted in and motivated by fear. Fear of losing these things or who you are without them. Our true identity is in Christ, secured by, rooted in, motivated by love, and based on heavenly things. This series is all about leaning into this true identity in Christ, exploring and celebrating in it. Closing the gap between what we say we believe and how we actually live and where we find our worth, security, and happiness.