My Notes
Personal Reflection Guide
Get away from distractions to a quiet place. Allow your thoughts and feelings to become calm. Take some deep breaths or go for a walk if you sense the need. When you are ready, ask God to guide you. Reflect on this season of your life. What thoughts and feelings surface? To what extent are you experiencing joy in your life? Reflect on Mary’s song of joy to God in Luke 1:46-56. Why do you think she is so joyous, and how does her song inspire you? Consider how God has shown you mercy and His greatness recently. Take some time to thank and praise Him for who He is, and what He has done for you. Now, what is something difficult you’re currently facing? What might God be trying to show you, even through difficulty? Ask God to help you see how depending on Jesus can lead to you experiencing joy. What could God be encouraging you to focus on or do to receive and share joy? Pray for God’s help to practice the discipline of celebration and to grow in your experience of joy. Consider various ways to practice celebration such as through singing and worship, spending time with children, holiday traditions, slowing down for gratitude, and other practices. Pray that God will guide you into taking an action this Christmas season that will grow your practice of celebration, and position you to experience more of His joy.
Discussion Questions
Choose a couple of the following questions from each section that best fit your group. Or have everyone read the questions, choosing which one(s) from each section they feel led to respond to.
- START HERE: What is it about songs that seems to bring out deeper emotions in us?
- START HERE: What is something that gives you joy?
- START HERE: How do you typically respond when your plans are interrupted?
- KEEP GOING: When have you experienced God interrupting your plans, and has it resulted in more joy in your life?
- KEEP GOING: When have you taken a risk for God and experienced His joy as a result of your obedience?
- KEEP GOING: Read Psalm 59:16 (NLT). When was the last time you experienced God's mercy toward you? (Not only relief from suffering, but God’s compassion and loyalty)
- KEEP GOING: Read James 1:2-4 (NLT). Where are you currently facing difficulty, and what could help you find joy in this circumstance?
- LIVE IT OUT: Close your eyes and imagine Jesus is standing in front of you, and He is smiling at you. How does this make you feel?
- LIVE IT OUT: What could you do to intentionally share the joy of Jesus this Christmas season?
- LIVE IT OUT: How will you practice celebration this Christmas season? (e.g. singing and worship, spend time with children, holiday traditions, slowing down for gratitude)