My Notes
Personal Reflection Guide
Take a few moments to slow down and offer Jesus any burdens from your day, inviting Him into this time. As you examine those things to which you have allegiance, are there any that take the primary place over Jesus? Confess these to Him now, and make the declaration that Jesus is back in the first position in your life. Next, consider your life: what you see and what you dream is just a tiny fraction of what God dreams for you. Sit on that reality for a moment, and ask God to give you a bigger glimpse of what He might have for you. How can this new reality be both a blessing to you, as well as an influence on others in your life that points people to Jesus? Ask God to show you who is watching your life, and who you have a unique opportunity to impact for His kingdom. Close your time by thanking God for his unfailing love for you, writing down your reflections in the space below, and sharing them with your group if you feel comfortable.
Discussion Questions
- PERSONAL REFLECTION: Begin by completing the Personal Reflection Guide, (link found on the top of sermon notes). Use this time to examine the influences in your life, and how you might be equipped to be a godly influence in others’ lives. (Tip: playing some soft background music is helpful here!)
- SHARE YOUR STORY: If you have been baptized, share your baptism story. How has this public declaration affected your life since?
- REAL WITH SELF: When you consider your “intake”, which voices or allegiances have crept into your life that have no business speaking to what it means to be a disciple? What can you do to make the voice of Jesus more influential in your life?
- REAL WITH GOD: Read COLOSSIANS 2:12-15 NIV. Consider that—thanks to the cross—the following things are dead and in their place, Jesus wants to bring about something new: addiction, failures (yours or others), pride, lust, abuse, betrayal, and any harm done to you. How might God use this reality in your life to bless others?
- REAL WITH OTHERS: Read GALATIANS 3:26-29 NIV. In Christ, we are all family and set equal before God; our differences no longer become the means by which we measure ourselves. How can we model this in our homes, communities, and workplaces?
- TAKE ACTION: Read GENESIS 12:2-3 NIV. We get to bless the world by creating disciples, through our interactions at work, in our homes, and in our relationships—we do these things by blessing those around us and sharing our faith with others. Who in your life needs to hear about your faith this week?