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How to Pray Worship Experience

ACTS Prayer


Sometimes the term “worship” feels like it belongs only to church people. Often, it is relegated to the time where we sing before and after the message.

But the truth is, we all worship—routinely—in many areas of our life. It’s part of our human condition; it’s how we’re wired. Some worship their sports team, others worship their spouse (or their hopes for a spouse). Others worship their career, favorite entertainment star—you get the idea.

The truth is, we all worship, at some level, a lot of things at any given moment.

What makes our worship of God so different is that God is the only thing worthy of our unadulterated worship. He’s the God who won’t change, who won’t leave us feeling empty-handed, who is always faithful—even when we can’t see or understand him.

Worshiping the things of the world will always leave you a little empty because they are finite, but God is infinite. And when you spend real time around the Infinite, you cannot help but have your soul stirred at its core.

This is why we, as Christians, choose to make time and space for worshiping God. It is good for our souls to spend time with the Infinite, reminding us of our own finitude, our own frailty, and our own neediness.

When we bring these very human traits into the presence of the almighty God, we can’t help but feel that touch of Eden in our hearts—that peace and shalom that comes from sitting in the presence of God.

We would encourage you to practice that presence of God throughout the week. During the good times, and also during the times when you need reminding of God’s goodness to you.

May that act of worship be something that fills your soul as you engage with God in this way.
-Sandals Church

My Notes

Discussion Questions

  1. WORSHIP: Take a few moments to read the above. What do you find yourself worshiping that isn’t God? How does that possibly influence your worship of God?
  2. ADORATION: What is one thing you adore about God?
  3. CONFESSION: Spend some time as a group praying in individual confession. What do you need to confess to God today? Maybe it’s a sinful pattern, maybe it’s areas in your life where you wrestle control and need to simply surrender. Take a few minutes during group to confess these things silently before God.
  4. THANKSGIVING: What has God given you, or done for you, for which you are most grateful?
  5. SUPPLICATION: If you could ask God for one thing right now, for you and or for someone else, what would it be?
  6. ACTION: Spend some time praying as a group to close out this time together.