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Good Friday – The Seven Statements of Jesus

I. …Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. LUKE 23:34 KJV

II. …today you will be with me in paradise. LUKE 23:43 NLT

III. …Woman, behold, your son! […] Behold, your mother! JOHN 19:26-27 ESV

IV. …My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? MATTHEW 27:46 ESV

V. …I thirst. JOHN 19:28 ESV

VI. …It is finished… JOHN 19:30 ESV

VII. …Father, into your hands I commit my spirit… LUKE 23:46 ESV

My Notes

Discussion Questions

As you reflect on the statements of Jesus and the prayers from people all across the world, reflect on the following questions, and maybe even write down your own prayers in response.

  1. What specifically do you need forgiveness for?
  2. How have you forgotten your future home in Christ that is diminishing your present life now?
  3. In what ways do you need to rely on the family Jesus invites you into as you navigate the challenges of life?
  4. In what areas of your life do you feel as though God has forsaken you or left you alone?
  5. What do you feel that you are lacking in life? Ask the Lord to meet you in that need.
  6. How have you relied more on what you can do for God rather than what Jesus has already done for you?
  7. What areas of your life do you need to entrust to God?