My Notes
Personal Reflection Guide
Find a quiet place that will help you listen to whatever God may want to say to you. Let your thoughts and feelings become still. Take some deep breaths or go for a walk if you think it will help you to clear your heart and mind so that they become calm. When you are ready, pray that God will guide your time with Him. What are your thoughts and feelings about being real with God and not being a hypocrite? What do they reveal about how authentic you believe your relationship with God is? Ask God to show you what hinders you from being more honest with Him. How does participating in communion at church help you to trust in the safety of opening up to Him? Next, reflect on how being real with God has helped you to become more honest with others. How has that enabled you to heal and grow as a person? Pray and ask God to help you identify any sin that you need to confess, both to Him (for forgiveness) and to someone else (for healing). Ask Him to show you who would be safe to confess to, then ask God for His help and courage to actually confess. Close your time by asking God to show you an area in your life where you are not being real with Him. What is something you can do that will help you grow in this area and then take that action? Commit to utilizing God’s help to grow in this area. Thank Him for your time together, writing any reflections in the space below.
Discussion Questions
Choose a couple of the following questions from each section that best fit your group. Or, have everyone read the questions, choosing which one(s) from each section that they feel led to respond to. *For this week, be sure to leave plenty of time for question 7.
- START HERE: If you could be the main character in any movie, which would you choose?
- START HERE: What was your experience of church growing up?
- START HERE: How has playing pretend at Church in the past kept you from a deeper relationship with God?
- KEEP GOING: Read Luke 18:9-14 (NLT) — It’s easy to pick on the pride of the Pharisees but take a moment to examine your heart. Where do you find yourself acting like them, even if only in your thoughts and in your heart?
- KEEP GOING: Recall someone in your past with whom it was not safe to be real. How do you wish their response had been different in order for you to feel safe?
- KEEP GOING: Why do you think God cares so much about you being real with him if he already knows the truth?
- LIVE IT OUT: Read James 5:16 (NLT). We confess our sins to God to be forgiven, but we confess our sins to each other, so we can heal and change. Gather into smaller groups of 2-3 (same gender), and practice a time of confession with each other. (NOTE: While someone is sharing, remain a safe space for them by offering them the grace and love of God. This is not a time to correct, excuse sin, or give advice, but a time to love people by listening well. After each person confesses, pray God’s forgiveness and healing over that person, and then create space for the next person to share.)
- LIVE IT OUT: After confession, come back together as a group. Without sharing the details of what was confessed in private, what did you experience during this time of confession?