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25 Years of Different

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

What is God’s plan for your life?

1. Spiritual Goals

2. Family Goals

3. Relational Goals

4. Professional Goals

5. Intellectual Goals

6. Physical Goals

7. Financial Goals

My Notes

Personal Reflection Guide

Take a few moments to slow down, releasing to Jesus any burdens from your day. Read Ephesians 3:14-21, inviting God to speak to you through this passage. Consider the following questions, praying through them intentionally: Where do you need inner strength? How can you grow your roots deeper into God’s love? What do you need from God right now to be able to more fully experience the love of Christ? Wrestle with these in prayer, writing your reflections in the space below. Close your time by asking God to use you for His purposes, showing you anything you need to do personally in order to participate in His plan for your life. Thank God for this time together, and ask Him to remind you of His presence throughout the upcoming week.

Discussion Questions

  1. CONSIDER: Have someone read Ephesians 3:14-21 NLT out loud, slowly. (Consider reading it twice, while the rest of the group listens with their eyes closed as the passage is read aloud.) What stirs in you personally as you hear this passage?
  2. GOD’S PLAN: Where do you sense God is working in your life right now, and how could this point to something greater that He might want to accomplish in and through you? What do you see is your personal role in accomplishing this, and how can you rely on God as you take steps in this direction?
  3. YOUR PRIORITIES: Of the priorities and goals listed (Spiritual, Family, Relational, Professional, Intellectual, Physical, Financial), which one has been the most challenging for you to live out? Which one(s) do you need to reprioritize higher on the list?
  4. WHAT’S NEXT: Recall Ephesians 3:20-21 NLT. God can use your deepest wounds to create opportunities for His biggest miracles. Are there any painful experiences in your life right now that God might be working in and calling you to surrender to Him? What would surrender look like for you?
  5. TAKE ACTION: God often uses us when we are intentional about sharing our personal experiences of both blessing and pain with others—and how God has been present with us during both. Whom has God placed in your life who needs to hear more of your story, and how do you think that hearing your story might bless and encourage them? How can you create an opportunity to do this in the coming weeks?
  6. PRAYER FOR THE FUTURE: Close your group time by praying for God’s blessing on the next 25 years of our church. Ask God throughout the week to show you any steps you can take to align your priorities and goals with His, as you think about His calling over your life.